#1MillionMinutes with #SweatPink!!


The #SweatPink community has just launched their summer goal of reaching #1MillionMinutes of fitness activity! And I’m joining in on the fun. 🙂

Participants just have to log their minutes on the site: FitApproach.com, and share their fitness achievements on social media, and there are so many awesome prizes you can win!

Here’s a fun, little MadLib to get inspired:

I am so excited to join #1MillionMinutes with #sweatpink! This summer my goal is to do  1000  minutes of cardio, while wearing my favorite prAna Blue Jay Gabi Leggings.

I predict that we’ll surpass the goal of #1MillionMinutes – we’ll actually hit 2 million of minutes this summer! I predict that running will be the top-logged movement.

I’ll get extra minutes in by jogging to the park!

My favorite way to get extra minutes in is by playing with my puppy. She is my BEST activity partner because he/she is so energetic. Our favorite way to relax post-workout is to munch on ice and have a snack.

I tag Amanda, Jill, and AnneMarie to help us reach #1MillionMinutes… or more!

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